What is architecture photography
Architectural photography is a genre of photography in which the main hero is a building and structure. In addition, architectural photography includes two main directions: it is the exterior photography of buildings and interior photography. If compared to other genres of photography, architectural photography is not so dynamic and does not require a rush. Instead, you need to focus on the result.
In addition, you will need specialised photography equipment, photo editing skills, an understanding of how to fit a building into the frame, and knowledge of the rules of composition.

Now let's elaborate on the previously mentioned categories into which architectural photography is divided.
Exterior photography
Captures the exterior structure of a building. This is where an architectural photographer will need a vision of composition, skill with light and a lot of patience :) Sometimes it can take a whole day of scouting as you walk around the building and pick out the best angles to photograph.

Interior photography
In interior photography, you won't need to walk a lot, but you will need all your attention to focus on the details. The fact is that interior photography is made up of a lot of details. And a professional interior photographer is distinguished by the ability to see all the details and create a beautiful shot out of them. In addition, you will also need a vision of composition and again a lot of patience.

Equipment for architecture photography
A whole book could be written on the subject of equipment for architecture photography. One day I will make a post on this topic, but for now I will tell you in general terms.
Basically you can use any modern camera. Nowadays, almost all cameras are capable of producing a cool picture. Speaking about myself, I use two cameras for my architectural shoots: Fujifilm GFX50 sii and Sony a7rv.
Basically you can use any modern camera. Nowadays, almost all cameras are capable of producing a cool picture. Speaking about myself, I use two cameras for my architectural shoots: Fujifilm GFX50 sii and Sony a7rv.
I use tilt-shift lenses. Canon TS-E 24mm and Canon TS-E 50mm. Tilt-shift lenses were specifically designed for architectural and product photography. They give you much more control and control over perspective. In addition, they significantly reduce the amount of work involved in the photo editing stage.
I use tilt-shift lenses. Canon TS-E 24mm and Canon TS-E 50mm. Tilt-shift lenses were specifically designed for architectural and product photography. They give you much more control and control over perspective. In addition, they significantly reduce the amount of work involved in the photo editing stage.
Additional equipment for architectural photography
In addition to your camera and lenses, you'll need a good tripod, a geared head for your tripod, a CamRanger for remote shooting, and a set of different filters.
In addition to your camera and lenses, you'll need a good tripod, a geared head for your tripod, a CamRanger for remote shooting, and a set of different filters.

Architectural photography is an amazing trend in photography that opens up new possibilities for unlocking the photographer's creativity. And if you don't have time and desire to spend tens of thousands of dollars on equipment, and you want to get a cool result right away, you can invite me to shoot. Just write to me a letter.